Thomas Nail (1979) is hoogleraar aan de universiteit van Denver. Hij heeft een unieke filosofie ontwikkeld met beweging (motion) als centraal thema. Hij heeft veel van zijn publicaties toegankelijk gemaakt via zijn blog Philosophy of Movement onder het knopje 'about'.
Nail heeft geschreven over de bewegingsfilosofie, die hij definieert als "de analyse van diverse verschijnselen in sociale, esthetische, wetenschappelijke en ontologische domeinen vanuit het primaire perspectief van beweging". [4] Hij stelt dat de bewegingsfilosofie een uniek soort filosofische methodologie is. We leven nu in het tijdperk van het kinocene
Zijn boek Being and Motion begint zo:
We live in an age of movement. More than at any other time in history, people
and things move longer distances, more frequently, and faster than ever before.
All that was solid melted into air long ago and is now in full circulation around
the world, like dandelion seeds adrift on turbulent winds. We find ourselves, in the
early twenty-first century, in a world where every major domain of human activity
has become increasingly defined by motion.
Socially, life is becoming increasingly migratory.2 At the turn of this century, there
were more regional and international migrants than ever before in recorded history.3
Today, there are more than one billion migrants.4 With each new decade the percentage
of migrants as a share of the total population continues to rise, and in the
next twenty- five years the rate of migration is predicted to be higher than in the past
twenty- five years.5 More than ever, it has become a necessity for people to migrate
due to environmental, economic, and political instability. Climate change, in particular,
may even double international migration over the next forty years.6 By 2050
more than two billion more people are expected to migrate to urban centers around
the world.7 While many may not cross a regional or international border, people do
tend to change jobs more often, commute longer and farther to work,8 change their
residence repeatedly, and travel internationally more than ever before.9 This general
increase in human mobility and expulsion affects us all in one way or another, and it
is now widely recognized as a defining feature of our epoch.10